

Amongst the many vegetables that are being consumed daily around the world in many different cuisines, with many different ways, is the humble celery. Widely known since ancient times, celery can be found in many dishes even today, most notably soups of all kinds.

It has been used for its medicinal properties since the Roman times, mainly as a painkiller. It has been demonstrated in the laboratory that it can lower blood pressure. It has also been in use by herbalists as an aid against psoriasis and arthritis. It is also a very good source of calcium, which in combination with the fact that it has no fats or sugars, makes it an ideal alternative to animal products that contain calcium in significant amounts (such as milk and milk products).
What makes celery stand out from other vegetables is that it is considered one of many fat burning foods. What makes it ideal for a weight-loss fat burning diet, is that it contains a high percentage of dietary fibers. Dietary fibers are important in our diets for two reasons, the first being that the soluble part of the dietary fiber is what is fermented by bacteria in our gastrointestinal tracts (our colon) and in the process affects the digestion and absorption of other key chemicals and nutrients. The other reason is that the second part of dietary fibers, the insoluble part that cannot be broken down, absorbs water in the intestinal system and helps the natural course of digestion, especially helping people with chronic digestion problems. In short, dietary fibers are key for a healthy digestive system and a healthy diet.
But what really makes celery important as fat burning foods are a number of hard to notice reasons. First of all, it’s quite bulky as a food in proportion to its calorific content, so you tend to fill up your stomach easier without adding lots of calories to your diet, satisfying your appetite. Then, because of its fibers it attracts water in the intestinal tract while at the same time it traps the carbohydrates and slows the absorption rate of glucose (the constituents of starch-based foods like potatoes, rice, bread etc.), leading to more normalized blood sugar levels. This in turn affects blood pressure, cholesterol levels, resulting in a better more stable metabolism and a is natural prevention method against diabetes.

Moreover, the fermentation process a regular intake of celery provokes, balances the levels of acidity in the colon, and through specific biochemical processes has been found to reduce the danger of colorectal cancer.

All in all,celery is a food every diet should include. It fills you up, it helps your body to burn fat, it keeps your heart healthy by helping balance your cholesterol and glucose levels as well as your blood pressure. It’s also quite a remedy for any constipation problems you might be facing (as are most fibrous foods), and it’s a very useful aid for keeping the gastrointestinal tract fit, healthy, and trouble-free.